Asset Revesting Advisors

Key Takeaways:

  • Asset Revesting Advisors can help individuals deploy the asset revesting strategy, which is ideal for busy professionals aged 50 or older.
  • Traditional financial firms and advisors often can’t help individuals with asset revesting, as they focus on diversified buy-and-hold strategies.
  • Just as robo-advisors are available as a traditional automated investing alternative, you likely will not find asset revesting advisors who offer it strictly on its own.

What are Asset Revesting Advisors?

An Asset Revesting Advisor is a financial industry professional who manages investor capital using the asset revesting strategy. This type of financial advisor uses active asset allocation and interprets market signals to make sure all positions in the portfolio are rising in value. They will also use cash or cash equivalents when there are no buy signals for a rising asset. This makes them more adept at helping revesters protect their capital and preserve their retirement income.

Another key service provided by asset revesting advisors is the placement of protective stops within a portfolio. These cap potential losses at no more than 6%. As gains are made and taken, the advisor will generally adjust these stops.

What Does an Asset Revesting Advisor Do Differently Than Traditional Financial Advisors?

Asset Revesting Advisors quickly exit positions when they stop moving higher and revest the capital into a new asset that is rising in value. They generally charge clients a flat fee based on performance or on assets under management (AUM). They will not charge commissions or loads for movement of funds from one investment to another, which is especially important since asset revesting routinely moves capital around the revester’s asset hierarchy.

Investors must be very cautious when speaking with an advisor who says they offer multi asset revesting. Most do not even know what it is, and think it has to do with portfolio diversification of multiple assets, which could not be further from the truth. Asset revesting does not believe in or diversify a portfolio, nor does it buy-and-hold positions falling in value.

Traditional financial advisors, such as those who work for Fidelity and Schwab, charge commissions and other fees for various transactions in a portfolio. In addition, they are handcuffed to the buy-and-hold strategy, which may not be the best option for older savers. Buy-and-hold subjects investors to major volatility and potential for losses—especially during bear markets. Sadly, many traditional financial advisors also lack the technical analysis skills and position and risk management knowledge to practice asset revesting. Instead, they are trained only in the 60/40 portfolio strategy, which becomes more risky and dangerous as investors age past 50.

When thinking about AUM and flat fees paid to traditional financial advisors who practice the buy-and-hold strategy, it’s easy to see how high those rates are—considering the advisor has very little to do with daily portfolio management. A $1 million buy-and-hold portfolio has roughly $12,500 in annual fees, and the most the advisor does to “earn” that fee is to have an annual rebalancing meeting. This is why AUM is often referred to as Assets Under Managed!

Do You Need an Asset Revesting Advisor?

It is unnecessary to work with an asset revesting advisor when using this strategy in a self-directed account, IRA, 401(k) or other account type. Instead, revesters can consider asset revesting with an investment newsletter, like those offered by Using these services will allow revesters to pay just a flat annual subscription fee and avoid any required minimum balances.

Revesters can also consider autotrading as an alternative. This is like the roboadvisor services offered by companies like Betterment and Wealthfront, but instead of allowing an algorithm to determine their investment activity and paying an AUM fee, individual investors use autotrading to have an asset revesting strategy executed in their self-directed brokerage account.

Asset revesting is a revolutionary investment strategy that breaks away from traditional methods of investing such as buy-and-hold and diversification. By avoiding falling positions and instead rotating capital into assets that are rising, asset revesting signals generates higher and more reliable returns with less portfolio volatility. This approach differs from the typical status quo results achieved by traditional investing methods used by firms and financial advisors. In essence, asset revesting allows investors to sell their investments at the top and reinvest in assets that are increasing in value, while avoiding the stress and risk of holding onto losing positions.